Matilda returns with her second article of the Student Sustainability Reviews series. This time she’s trying out the Face Halo, the zero waste make-up remover you’ve been waiting for.
As someone who enjoys wearing and experimenting with makeup I get through a fair few removals. After using reusable pads to remove my makeup for around six months, I was still concerned by the single-use plastic my micellar water unavoidably came in. I have since discovered my face halo and haven’t looked back.
Face Halo is a reusable pad designed to remove your make up with just water. I picked up mine from boots for £7. My first thoughts were it was a little pricey, but the blurb told me I’d get 200 makeup removals out of it using just water and I was sold. I was still a little sceptical: if this product was as good as it claimed, why wasn’t everybody using it?

This is my Face Halo
How does it work?
As the site describes,
According to Halo, around 730 wipes are used by the average make-up user every year! In addition, it takes around 100 years for a make up wipe to decompose. The face halo replaces this damaging plastic pollution and is recyclable after it’s run its course!
See how it works!