Matilda Martin brings us the first in her series of sustainable reviews. In this first instalment she tackles the bamboo toothbrush and why the plastic toothbrush should have no place in our bathrooms anymore.

Choose a toothbrush you can outlive
We’ve all been made aware of the damaging pollutive effects that our plastic products have on the environment. But have you ever stopped to consider the daily products and objects you use which will soon add to the problem? The toothbrush, a product all of us use each and everyday is a prime example.Â
In June, National Geographic wrote that ‘a billion toothbrushes will be thrown away in the U.S. this year’. The issue doesn’t stop there, ‘Many toothbrushes are unrecyclable, because the composite plastics most are now made of are difficult, if not impossible, to break apart efficiently.’Â
Lucky for us, there is an easy solution!

The humble plastic classic
Bamboo Toothbrushes
Bamboo is becoming an increasingly popular material in our strive towards a more sustainable future. Unlike its plastic equivalent, the bamboo toothbrush will break down and not remain as a pollutant.Â
It is important however to not just order any bamboo brush. For example, some bristles contain BPA, which The Independent describes as ‘a chemical used to make certain plastics that can seep into drinks, possibly leading to an increased risk of health problems such as increased blood pressure, heart disease and impaired brain development in children’.Â
As a result, a lot of these brushes will advertise themselves as BPA free, so read the label!Â
Because this movement is catching on so quickly, there is a fast-increasing market for these bamboo brushes. It is easy to feel overwhelmed with choice.Â
The Independent has put together a list of the best bamboo brushes which I would highly recommend. As with many eco-friendly products, these brushes do tend to be slightly more expensive than their plastic alternatives. However, if you can afford it, then I would urge you to invest.
