Wild partners with brands that align with our ethos of sustainability and low impact living. Our goal is that these posts help you to find products and brands that work for you and the planet.
In this section you can see our latest sponsored partnerships and find out more about them from the company themsleves.
If you are a company interested in a sponsored post with Wild, find out more below.
“Managing Wild was one of the best things I've ever done. New skills, great people and a chance to write about how to fix the world - its a win-win-win.”
Cass Hebron, Wild Magazine's Founder
"I worked on the Social Media Team and it was so rewarding knowing that the work I was doing helped to make sustainability more accessible. Plus, it's a great chance to gain work experience.
Becky Huckett, Social Media Assistant
"I've loved having the chance to develop my communication skills in such a collaborative and welcoming environment. My role as Food and Drink Editor was so fun, from sourcing original recipes to chatting with our contributors."
Amy Leung, Food and Drink Editor