Honest Exeter is a project that began as a National Citizens Service group (NCS) with a passion for making ethical shopping a more mainstream activity. Honest Exeter wrote this article to help spread awareness on the campaign, with the hope that other UK cities can follow suit to create similar ethical shopping guides.

We believe that changing the businesses you buy from is one of the easiest but most meaningful ways that you can make a difference., which is why we created our guide to ethical shopping in Exeter.
Our vision is to be able to make a lasting change in this city and try to move Exeter’s shopping habits towards a more sustainable future. To do this we have developed a website that guides people to the businesses we have partnered with so that they can see more information on how these shops sell ethically.
Our project was commended by a Green Party member Diana Moore, who was impressed by, the “initiative [shown] by young people to promote ethical shopping in Exeter.”.

The Honest team presenting the project at the end of their NCS programme